Dennis Dames Online Affiliates Marketplace - where we connect, link, share, collaborate, communicate, and assist people, and businesses to achieve their respective objectives and goals on the Internet - with enduring success. DAD offers prospects, clients, customers, subscribers and followers a place to advance productively and profitably on the Web - through Social Media platforms, fruitful connections, Affiliate Programs and an expanding Network of like-minded and enterprising folks. Dennis Dames shares the ideal that in unity, there is indeed strength. With that in mind, Mr. Dames is in constant search for new partners and affiliations that will contribute enormously to an ever-expanding worldwide community of serious-minded and focused entrepreneurs - and other business people. Let’s link-up for individual and collective success on the Web. DAD welcomes you to Internet Advertising, Marketing, Opportunities, and Networking for and by the People - with vision, motivation, know-how, patience and the determination to succeed in an ongoing, and exemplary fashion.